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Safeguarding Notice

Newhey Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects the whole school community to share this commitment. For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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Welcome to the website of

Newhey Community Primary School


‘Together Everyone Achieves More’

There are lots of exciting events going on at our school both within the classroom and extra-curricular activities and we hope that through this website you find everything you need to know. Everyone at Newhey Community Primary School has something of value to contribute as well as being given the opportunity to learn from each other whether that be academic skills, friendship, culture or an understanding of different needs. Newhey Community Primary School prides itself on being a TEAM-Together Everyone Achieves More and we trust you will want to join us in being part of that team.

Leanne Sykes - Head Teacher


Have a look at our  X (Twitter) feed to see all the exciting things we are doing in school!

(Click the image below)

School meal prices
From 1st April 2023 school meals for KS2 pupils will cost £2.75 per day (£13.75 per week), and the price of a nursery child's meal will be £1.90 per day (£9.50 per week).


If you require paper copies of any documents or other information from our website; please ask us to do so -free of charge.


School Calendar

Embedded Calendar

Upcoming events:

Embedded Calendar

Latest News

Click here to read our latest news and access our Newsletters to Parents & Carers



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