From September 2018 - Reception Class Admission Number: 45
Visiting Arrangements
Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time. To arrange visits to the school parents should contact the Headteacher so that a convenient time can be arranged.
It is also possible for a member of staff to make a home visit.
The school also holds a parents meeting for new admissions starting in the following September.
Allocation of places for the school are determined by the Education Department on the basis of:-
- Children in Care to the Local Authority (Looked After Children)
- Medical/Psychological Grounds
If you intend to seek priority on these grounds a medical note from the child’s own Doctor must be submitted at the time of application. When this is received the case will be referred to either the Senior Clinical Medical Officer or the Principal Educational Psychologist for professional advice. If medical grounds are claimed after the allocation procedure has been completed it may not be possible to allocate a priority place using this criterion.
- Sibling Priority
Children who have an elder brother or sister attending the school at the time of application.
- Church Affiliation
If you claim priority to a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School you should attach a letter from the Minister of your church at the time of application. (Not applicable at our school.)
5. Proximity and Ease of Access
After priority cases the remaining pupils will be allocated places according to the relative proximity and ease of access to the school. When the school is full any remaining ‘first preference’ pupils will be placed on the list of their next preference and will rank for equal consideration with children whose parents have made it their first preference.
Applying for Primary School / Transition to Secondary School
For both primary and secondary school places you have to apply through your home Local Authority so if you live in Rochdale and want a school place within Rochdale or another Local Authority you must apply through Rochdale Local Authority.
A copy of Rochdale Local Authority's Transition Policy for Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 is available here.
You are able to apply online for a primary school place from 15th September 2023 (or a secondary school place from 4th September 2023) on Rochdale Council's web site
The closing date for applications for admission to primary school is Wednesday, 15 January 2025.
The notification date for primary school place allocations is Wednesday 16 April 2025.
The closing date for applications for transition to secondary school is Thursday, 31 October 2024.
The notification date for secondary school place allocations is Monday, 3 March 2025.
If you live in another borough and want a school place at a Rochdale school you must apply through your home local authority. You can find information about appeals and placmements also on the Rochdale Council's website