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Presentations & Useful Links

Please see the Parental Workshop Presentations below as well as our useful website list.

Useful Links

GOV.UK Reading Framework




At Newhey Community Primary School, we want every child to be a successful reader.  We want our children to foster a love of reading and read for pleasure at every opportunity. 

Through our Phonics and Early Reading Curriculum, we ensure that children are taught their letters and sounds in a progressive and systematic way.

From Nursery, children are taught the ‘Foundations for Phonics’ exploring a range of text types with a focus on high quality language and oral blending.

In Reception and KS1, children are taught a range of Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondences (GPCs) and how to apply this learning to read and spell new words.

You can find out more about the organisation of phonics and early reading by clicking on the PowerPoint to the right.

Our chosen Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) programme is: ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ which has been validated by the Department for Education.

Little Wandle Letters & Sounds

LW-LS-Accredited_Logo_HOR (1)


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