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Safeguarding Notice

Newhey Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects the whole school community to share this commitment. For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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Maple Class

 Teacher:  Miss Pearson

 Year 3 & Year 4  

Further information on what we are learning about this term can be found here.

You can see our Long and Medium Term Plans by clicking the documents below.

Timetable (Click for larger view)




All children are encourged to read on a daily basis. Regular reading must be recorded with a signature in their reading record at least once a week by a parent/carer.

The children will need to return their reading book with the reading record each Monday, as this is when books are changed. 

Spellings will be sent home on a Monday to be tested the following Monday. The children are asked to practise at home or to join the homework catch up club on Tuesday break time if they haven't done this.

It is very important the children practise their timestables as this will help them considerably with their maths work. They can access TT rockstars at home to do this online. They have login details inside their reading record book. 

Please encourage your child to do their homework on time and with care!

Thank you for your support with your child's learning.


Newsletter (click for larger view)

Newsletter 1newsletter 2
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