Welcome to Parents & Carers
This area of our website is designed for parents and carers of children attending our school. You may find further information in the Our School and Classes sections.
Online safety
With a growing market of potentially harmful apps and websites now available to your children - please take time to read the information in these websites.
New AI apps and games can be extremely dangerous and could put your child at risk of being exposed to many dangers.
Please make sure you are vigilant and monitor your child's use of the internet and ensure age-appropriate apps are used only.
The National College via X (Twitter)

Your child has a choice of a school meal or bringing in a packed lunch.
School meals are cooked on the premises. The content of the school meals is in line with Healthy Eating Guidelines which is a requirement for all schools. A copy of our school meals menu is available here.
If you are providing your child with a packed lunch - the Governing Body request that the contents are healthy and form a balanced diet. Chocolate, sweets and snacks that contain a high level of fats, sugars and salt should be avoided. The children are taught about healthy lifestyles as part of the curriculum and you can obtain a leaflet giving advice on what a healthy lunchbox could contain.
School meal money is paid on a Monday morning via School Gateway, the school's online payment system. Further details are available from the school office.
From 1st September 2024 school meals for KS2 pupils will cost £13.75 per week (£2.75 per day), and the price of a nursery child's meal will be £1.90 per day (£9.50 per week).
Pupils in Reception and KS1 classes are now entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal.
Our Lunch menus change termly but are sometimes subject to change due to delivery / supply issues.

Reading books are taken home and children will be given homework. We would like parents to share reading books with their child and to see that homework is completed.
All children throughout the school also recieve a Learning Log activity to complete each Half Term. These are usually topic based- related to work that has taken place in class. Expectations for the amount of time and work involved for these tasks can be found at the front of the Learning Log.
The national guidelines for homework are taken into account when work is sent home. (See Homework Guidance for Parents)
For further information please see our Homework Policy.
Children in Year 6 will receive additional Maths and English homework at times - in preparation for the SATs in May.
Individual teachers will notify parents about homework in their class via the termly newsletters.
All pupils have a break from lessons during a morning playtime. Milk is available for Foundation and KS1 pupils and at present children in these classes receive a free piece of fruit each day. Fruit may be brought from home for morning playtime. Water bottles may be brought from home so that children can drink water before and after playtimes. If, for any reason, your child cannot drink milk and/or water and still requires an alternative drink during playtime, a note from a health practitioner must be provided.
No sweets, chocolate or crisps etc. are allowed during playtimes.
The School Council regularly operate a Healthy Tuck Shop which is available to pupils during morning playtimes.
Illness and Absence
You will be asked to provide a daytime telephone number where you or a friend or relative can be contacted in case of emergency. If your child is absent or is going to be late for any reason, please contact the school either by telephone or letter. A letter will be sent to the child’s home address if school receives no indication of reason for absence.
The Educational Welfare Service also works closely with the school and will be contacted if a child’s absence is causing concern.
Useful Links
Please do not allow your child to bring any toys or valuable items to school. They are easily lost or broken. From a health & safety angle, children are not permitted to wear jewellery of any kind.
Prescribed medicines bearing the child's name will be administered if a parent has signed an authorisation form which is available from the office.
Our school has trained first aiders and other members of staff with first aid certificates. Children do have accidents whilst at school, for example; bumped head, fall, grazed knee etc. Parents will be notified on the same day if the school is concerned about the injury. If this is a minor bumped head, then your child would be given a sticker to wear to alert you of this so that you can keep an eye on him/her.
Newhey C. P. School

I bumped my head today.