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Safeguarding Notice

Newhey Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects the whole school community to share this commitment. For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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Music is a vital part of the creative curriculum here at Newhey. Every child at our school has a music lesson once a week run by either their class teacher or an adult from Rochdale Music Services. In addition to class Music lessons children in Key Stage 2 are offered music lessons for a range of musical instruments.


Arts Action plan & Music Development Plan

Please read the information in our  Arts Action and Music Development plans which outline our offers of art, music iand drama in and outside of the curriculium.

Glee Club

Here at Newhey we also have a fun school choir. Glee Club is available to pupils in Y5 and Y6.

Please see our Glee Club page for more information. (Pupils tab on homepage)


We follow the Kapow schemes of learning in Music here at Newhey.

As we plan on a rolling programme for each Key Stage - we will show progression of skills from Key Stage to Key Stage.

Below you can see the Progression of Skills our pupils will follow in their music lessons.

Please also see each Class Page for more information  on your Child's curriculum planning. 

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