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Safeguarding Notice

Newhey Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects the whole school community to share this commitment. For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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This year, we are continuing to use White Rose Maths as our planning guidance. 

White Rose was instrumental in helping children across the country during the Lockdown period with helpful videos, clear and organised activities and challenges for all. Therefore we have decided to carry on using this fantastic resource across the year as we return to school. 

Staff will use the guidance and resources to plan challenging and engaging lessons for all children within their class, ensuring that all objectives are covered in depth across the year.

The testing formats we use in school are also closely alingned to the White Rose planning, which helps provide a consistent approach in each year group.


By following the planning carefully and ensuring objectives are covered, we will be able to track the progression in a particular area right across the school. 

By knowing what is expected at each stage, staff are able to support the progression of each pupil and also provide clear opportunities for children to fully embed skills to a greater depth level.

TT Rockstars! 

Together with White Rose, we are continuing to use TT Rockstars to support children's understanding of the times tables. Since subscribing, many children throughout the school are now confidently answering questions in under 3 seconds (some even under 1second!). 

Using the website consistently at home helps all children develop their understanding and they become much more confident in applying these skills within lessons.

Please ensure your child has a copy of their login details and keeps this in a safe place-they should be accessing the website at least 3 time a week at home! 



We will be having a huge focus on Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF's) this year; after the disruption to education over the past 18 months it has never been more crucial for children to have a secure understanding of the basic skills expected from them within their year group. These skills will form an integral part of your child's learning and are designed for rapid recall; times tables, number bonds, shape recognition for example. Please click here for the full list of KIRF's and what is expected from your child this year, the more support you can offer at home in securing these facts, the more your child will progress by confidently applying them in class. Please do not hesitate in speaking to your child's teacher for any further information required.

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