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Birch Class

 Teachers:  Mrs Rose & Mrs Bowker


Further information on what we we will be learning about this term is available here.

You can see our Long and Medium Term Plans by clicking the documents below.

Timetable (Click for larger view)

t table


Please see the HOMEWORK GRID ABOVE-  You can upload your child's work on to DOJO so that this can be shared with your child's peers. There will be a range of activities and tasks surrounding the topic that we are doing in school.
The children will be able to earn two dojos for each task they complete. The more they do they more dojos they will receive!
Please help and guide your child with the tasks, it is meant to be a fun activity that you complete together where you can enjoy moving your child's learning forward.

Throughout the seven areas of learning, this half term Our topics is ‘The deep blue sea.’

During our Phonics we will be practising our listening skills and joining in with activities that develop our understanding of the initial sounds and final sounds …x zz ck  th and orally blending and segmenting cvc words.

In our outdoor learning this term, we will be giving the children the opportunity to practise their gross motor skills including; balancing, kicking, throwing, rolling and catching balls etc. They will also be practising team work and turn taking. In addition, they will be rehearsing their fine motor skills including; painting, marking with a range of materials. The children will also be encouraged to participate in games that promote turn taking .

We will be spending lots of time outdoors as we find this is the time when many children thrive and are able to express themselves the most.  This time also provides fantastic opportunities for language development when children are exploring and investigating their outdoor environment.

Newsletter (click for larger view)

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