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Newhey Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects the whole school community to share this commitment. For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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Birch Class

 Teachers:  Mrs Rose & Mrs Ashworth

Nursery & Reception

Further information on what we we will be learning about this term is available here.

You can see our Long and Medium Term Plans by clicking the documents below.

Timetable (Click for larger view)

EYFS Spring Timetable


When is homework set?

Homework is set on a Monday.

Guided reading books are sent home on a Wednesday.

What will children get?

  • Maths Homework will be set on alternate weeks to English.
  • English Homework will be set on alternate weeks to Maths. 
  • Spellings will be set weekly
  • Reading should be completed daily

When does it need to be back in school?

Home reading books are to be in sent into school every day. 

Home reading books will be changed on a Monday only if reading diaries have been signed by an adult. 

Spellings will be sent home on Monday and 'tested' the following Monday.

Guided reading books need to be brought back into school on a Friday. 





Newsletter (click for larger view)

Spring newsletter page 1Spring newsletter page 2
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