Alder Class
Teacher: Mrs Gray
Year 6
Timetable ( Click for larger view)

Spellings and Reading Books
Spellings will be given out every Monday and tested on the following Monday. This gives children one whole week to have at least two attempts at their spellings. We will also be looking at our spellings across the week in school. Reading books will be changed (when needed) on a Monday also.
Please try and listen to your child read AT LEAST TWICE EACH WEEK, then record a comment in their yellow reading record. Read brilliantly? Write a comment. Struggled with certain words? Write a comment. You should aim to discuss what they have read, what can tehy predict will happen? Why did the character act this way? Please ask for further potential questions to ask your child about their reading.
For those children who may not have completed their homework by the Tuesday, or those who may have struggled and need some extra support, we do have a homework club on the Tuesday morning during breaktime.