Job Vacancies

Current Vacancies
Teaching Assistant Level 1 (2 posts)
Grade 2, Scale Point 3 - 4.
Actual salary £18,072 - £18,356 per annum
Required as soon as possible.
The Governing Board of Newhey CP School are seeking to appoint two Teaching Assistants to join a committed team of staff at this caring and successful school. The posts are to support a Year 4 pupil and a Reception Class pupil who have Education Health Care Plans, to assist in their support and inclusion within a mainstream school, both within the classroom and with personalised learning, along with general Teaching Assistant duties.
The posts are for 27.5 hours per week plus 5 hours lunchtime support (32.5 hours per week in total) and is term time only.
Visits to the school are welcome by appointment. For further information please telephone the school on 01706 847658.
These are temporary contracts linked to specific external funding by the Special Needs Assessment Team and are expected to end in July 2024 and July 3031 or earlier if the pupils leave the school/funding ceases.
Interview date: Wednesday 8th January 2025
Application forms and further details are available to download from Application forms should be returned to by 11:59pm on Monday 16 December 2024.