Willow Class Learning
Reception pupils
Summer 2 - The Sky and Beyond
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Expressive Arts & Design
Reception use hands on experiences to investigate different materials and explore and make what they want.
The children also get an oportunity to use paint on the paint easle, junk modelling and chalk. They also enjoy dancing on our stage using the musical instruments and making up their own songs.
Communication & Language
This term Reception are working hard to use their words to investigate and discuss the past.
They have lots of different oportunities every day to talk to their friends through play and work.
This term they will be answering the following questions:
What do I know about Space?
What would it be like on the moon?
Do i know the planet names?
What is it like in space?
How would I feel if i met an alien?
Can I talk about a person from the past?
What does rain sound like?
Can I live on the moon?
What's an Ariel Veiw?
Physical Development
In Reception we use our fine and gross motor skills everyday during continuous provision.
The children have access to funky fingers, writing, art and investiagation areas in the classroom where they will use thier fine motor skills.
We have handwriting everyday and use our handwriting books, focusing on our pencil grip and pencil control.
We also have PE every week, this term we have games in PE. The children will learn how to work as a team during sports and show our PE values each lesson.
The children will also learn how important it is to warm up our bodies before exercise and cool down after exercise.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
In PSED we learn all about our feelings, rules and school values.
PSED is taught through Dinosaur School in our reception classes, the puppets are super friendly and we get to discuss what wally should do to make right choices. Dina discusses with us how and why we have rules and helps us understand our feelings.
Our Continuous Provision
Year 1 - Summer Term
Understanding the World
This term we learn all about summer through our forest school sessions, we go on a summer walk too and discuss what has happened to the trees and plants. The children really enjoy our Forest schools.
This term the children will cover:
- Forces
- Commenting about the past
- Natural habitats
- Facts about Space
- Summer
- Ipads/computers
We also look at different celebrations around the world. This term we learn about:
Neil Armstrong
Fathers Day
Sir Frances Beufort
Our new classrooms and new class teachers
The Sky and Beyond' is our topic for this term.
We look at space, aliens, rockets and gravity, we will also be goign on our school trip to EUREKA where we will experience a space wrokshop all about gravity and space.
We learn stories and new vocabulary using our 'Talk for Writing' Scheme.
We also look at Non-Fiction texts to help us learn new facts about space.
This term we will be sharing the following books:
Aliens love Underpants
What ever Next
The solar system
We will be writing our own fact tiles about Neil Armstrong.
This term we also come to the end of our Phase 4 Phonics. Reception are taught phase 4 phonics every day.
Reception children get lots of different writing oportunies throughout the year.
In the Summer Term Reception learn all about money and doubling money, sharing and grouping, odd and even, Spatial Reasoning and Problem solving, Patterns and Relationships, We use different resources for counting and enjoy a daily maths carpet session with Miss Dean.
We find numbers and maths in every area within our provision.
We also enjoy maths outisde weekly during forest schools.
Our Christmas Parents Morning
We will start the term focusing on money. This will involve naming and identifying coins and notes. We will be counting coins in 2s, 5s and 10s as well as making the correct amount to pay for items in our class shop. Our learning will involve lots of practical activities and opportunities to develop children's problem solving skills.
We will move on to explore measurement including height, length, mass, capacity, volume and temperature. We will be measuring, recording and comparing information. Later in the term, our maths learning will focus on position and direction. We will be creating and following directions, learning about turns and describing the position of objects on a grid using prepositional language (next to, above, left, right).
During all lessons we will focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning to allow children to utilise their skills in various ways.
In Science, we will be learning about the environment and climate change. We will carry out an investigation melting ice and exploring endangered animals both on land and in our oceans. We will learn about small changes we can make to protect our planet and make posters to encourage others to do so too!
Over the course of the term, we will also be learning about the seasons and making the most of practical opportunities to observe the changing seasons in our school environment.
In English, we will be starting the term with a whole school writing project centred around a picture of a boy on a magic carpet. Next, we will be writing letters to Greenpeace. After this, we will be writing a diary entry based on the book, ’And Tango Make Three’. We will be learning when to use a capital letter in a sentence and how to use different punctuation marks to make our writing more exciting.
Year 1 children will continue to access Little Wandle phonics sessions every day and will participate in 3 adult led guided reading sessions each week. On the week commencing Monday 10th June, the children will complete their phonics screening check.
We welcome parents and carers into school for 'Come read with me' sessions every Monday at 8.45-9am.
Foundation Subjects
Our Geography topic for the Summer Term is 'What can you see at the coast?' We will explore the amazing features and landmarks in the UK and discuss seas surrounding the UK. We will also be finding out about the human and physical features of coasts. We will finish the topic by learning about our local coasts.
In History, we will be exploring holidays in the past. We will be finding out what is was like to go to the seaside in 1900 and how holidays have changed over the years.
Our Design Technology topic is textiles. We will be designing and making a pouch. We will need to design, make, decorate and evaluate our product.
Our Art and Design topic this term is landscapes using different media. We will begin our topic by visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park to explore . We will be colour mixing and exploring the shades and tints of the sea, sky and sand. We will create a beach collage using a range of media to create texture and depth. We will evaluate and celebrate our work with the class, discussing what features we like and what we could improve on.
In Music, we will be focusing on vocal and body sounds. We will create soundscapes of the sea using instruments and our voices.
Our PE topics this term will be Athletics, Invasion Games and Gymnastics. We will also be competing in our School Teams during Sports Week.
In PSHE we will be discussing how to stay healthy both physically and mentally. We will talk about growing, changing and staying safe.
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