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Autumn Term 1 - All about Me - Nursery and Reception


Physical Development

In Reception and Nursery we use our fine and gross motor skills everyday during continuous provision. 

The children have access to funky fingers, writing, art and investiagation areas in the classroom where they will use thier fine motor skills.

The children have the opportunity to access the funky fingers area everyday and use the letter mantras, focusing on their pencil grip and pencil control. 

We enjoy our outdoor provision where we get to use our gross motor skills to climb, ride bikes and explore the outdoors.

We also have PE every week, this term we have games in PE. The children will learn how to work as a team during sports and show our PE values each lesson.

The children will also learn how important it is to warm up our bodies before exercise and cool down after exercise.


Personal, Social & Emotional Development

In PSED we learn all about our feelings, rules and school values. 

PSED is taught through our programme 'Think Equal' 

Each week we focus on a book from the progamme, we get the children involved and they love giving their own ideas. The children get to discuss their own ideas, thoughts and feelings. 

Nursery and reception children are taught in 2 different 'Think Equal' lessons so that the objectives are streamed to their age group. 


Our Continuous Provision


Understanding the World

This term we learn all about autumn through our forest school sessions, we go on an autumn walk and discuss what has happened to the trees and plants. The children really enjoy our forest schools. 

This term the children will cover:

  • How I have grown
  • My senses and my body
  • Describing special times with the family.
  • Healthy Eating 
  • Autumn
  • Look at different occupations. 

We also look at different celebrations around the world. This term we learn about: 

Harvest Time 


Black History Month


It is crucial for children to develop a lifelong love of reading. Children are read to daily and have access to the reading corner independently. They have the opportunity to visit the local library and shared parent reading sessions will be termly. They change their school library book weekly and they get a new home reading book each week.

We follow the Little Wandle Phonics Programme. Children practice word reading during phonics lessons, while reading their reading book, during group reading sessions and in independent learning during continuous provision.

Children will use talk for writing sessions in school. Reception children learn how to write during phonics lessons and access writing activities during continuous provision and during weekly adult led tasks.

Nursery children enjoy their talk for writing sessions and join in exploring books and mark making in all the areas. 

This term some of the texts we are exploring are:

  • What makes me me.
  • We're going on a Bear Hunt.
  • Peace at last.
  • When I grow up.
  • Supertato


In the Autumn Term Reception learn all about number rhymes and sounds, small and large, sorting/grouping objects, 2D shaopes, recognising nubers to 5 (10 for reception children). 1:1 correspondence, positional language and subitising. We use different resources for counting and enjoy a daily maths carpet session with our teachers.

We find numbers and maths in every area within our provision.

We also enjoy maths outisde during forest schools.

Maths WeightMaths

Expressive Arts and Design

Reception and Nursery use hands on experiences to investigate different materials and explore and make what they want. 

The children also get an oportunity to use paint on the paint easle, junk modelling and chalk. They also enjoy dancing on our stage using the musical instruments and making up their own songs.

Communication and Language

This term Nursery and Reception are working hard to follow instructiuons, listen to stories, speaking in small groups and explore the role play areas. 

They have lots of different oportunities every day to talk to their friends through play and work.

This term they will be answering and asking some of the following questions:

Who is in my family?

What job do you do?

How do you feel?

What is your favourite colour?

What is different and the same?

What happens in the Autumn?

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