For more detailed information about the curriculum followed in each year group- please visit your child's individual class page.
Here you can find Long and Medium term planning documents as well as a timetable and an overview of learning each term.
The school offers a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which is designed to enable all children to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. All classes are taught by the class teacher and have children of mixed ability. The children are taught using a variety of grouping and teaching methods. Teachers are supported by highly trained teaching assistants and other support staff.
The National Curriculum core subjects are English (Spoken Language, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation), Mathematics and Science. These are delivered by the whole schemes of work that provide continuity of learning for the children across the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) and Key Stages 1 and 2.
Phonics is taught from YN to Y2. The teaching is differentiated according to ability and to meet different needs. The children have a 30 minute session daily using Letters and Sounds. Phonics is also taught where needed (small groups / individuals / SEN) higher up the school. KS2 classes also have a 30 minute spelling session on four days of the week- following the National Curriculum guidance and suggested word lists.
Children learn to read during their Guided Reading sessions and in daily activities in English lessons as well as across the curriculum. Reading at home is also a key part of the learning day and a session for new parents on how we teach phonics and reading occurs yearly. Children are provided with a home reading book from a variety of schemes. Texts are chosen to match the child's ability as well as engage them and encourage them to develop a love of reading.
The National Curriculum foundation subjects: Design & Technology, Computing, Art & Design, History, Geography, Music, Physical Education and Languages are delivered in a variety of ways.
The school follows the Authority’s agreed syllabus for Religious Education. Assemblies, the daily collective Act of Worship and religious teaching emphasise a Christian way of life but also show recognition of other races and faiths. Assemblies are also used as opportunities for learning and to celebrate children’s achievements when they can show work or evidence of out of school activities etc. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education and Collective Worship but they must inform the school if they intend to do so.
The school also has programmes of study for Health, Safety, Personal and Social Education. Sex education and Drugs education is taught as part of the P.S.H.E. curriculum. A detailed scheme of work now used for this subject can be viewed here.
The school uses a specialist Music teacher in the curriculum and we have forged a link with the Rochdale Instrumental Service so that children will have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument in Key Stage 2. Each year, some of our children take part in the Rochdale Music and Dance Festival -sharing their musical and dance skills.
The school has Healthy Schools Status and is an ECO School.
There are strong links with the community with performances and concerts presented by the children. These include a Christmas Concert, Class Assembly Performances as well as singing for the elderly in the loal community. There are occasions when children join with other schools in a variety of curriculum areas.
The School Council is made up of both staff and pupils and along with our “Newhey Buddies”- help staff and children at playtimes and over the lunchtime period.
The school supports various charities throughout the school year and all children are given the chance to have some involvement in these projects.