Beech Class Learning
Spring Term
In English, we will be starting the term by focusing on a whole school writing project centred around our playground surprise! After this, we will be looking at the tradition tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. We will be using story language to retell the tale, changing the end of the story and creating a new bad character.
Year 1 children will access Little Wandle phonics sessions every day and will participate in 3 adult led guided reading sessions each week.
Year 2 children will access Little Wandle spelling sessions every day and will participate in 3 Reciprocal reading sessions each week.
We welcome parents and carers into school for 'Come read with me' sessions every Monday at 8.45-9am
Spring Term
Year 1
We will start the term focusing on fractions. This will involve finding a half and a quarter of shapes and amounts. Our learning will involve lots of practical activities and opportunities to develop children's problem solving skills.
We will move on to explore multiplication and division. We will be using concrete resources (counters, cubes, conkers, tens frames) to practically multiply and divide amounts. Later in the term, our maths learning will focus on number and place value to 50. This will involve reading and writing numbers to 50 in numerals and words as well as counting accurately and representing these numbers in different ways.
During all lessons we will focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning to allow children to utilise their skills in various ways.
Year 2
We will start the term focusing on fractions. This will involve finding a half, a third, a quarter and three quarters of a shape, length or quantity. Our learning will involve lots of practical activities and opportunities to develop children's problem solving skills.
We will move on to explore multiplication and division. We will recall number facts for 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. Our learning will involve using arrays, repeated addition and multiplication facts to solve problems.
During all lessons we will focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning to allow children to utilise their skills in various ways.
Spring Term
In Spring Term, we will begin the term learning about animals. We will name and describe animals as well as sorting them into the 5 animal groups: amphibians, mammals, reptiles, fish and birds. Later in Spring Term, our learning will be about everyday materials. We will be describing materials and their properties. We will be conducting experiments to test the stretchiness and strength of different materials.
Over the course of the term, we will also be learning about the seasons and making the most of practical opportunities to observe the changing seasons in our school environment.
Foundation Subjects
Spring Term
In Geography , we will be learning about our local area and locating it on a map. We will then compare our local area to Shanghai, China. We will talk about what is the same and what is different between the two areas.
Our History topic for Spring term is, ‘’How did we learn to fly?’. We will be learning about significant people who impacted our history of flying, such as the Wright brothers, Bessie Coleman and Amelia Earheart.
Our Design Technology topic is ‘How do wheels move?’. We will be designing and making a vehicle with 4 wheels. We will need to design, make, decorate and evaluate our product.
In Art and Design, we will be developing our ability to tell a story through drawing. This will include creating textures, observational drawing, character expression and storytelling through illustrations.
Our Music topic is, ‘Singing on this Island’. We will be listening to different soundscapes from the seaside, countryside and city, and compose our own soundscapes in small groups.
Our PE topics this term will be Games and Dance.
In PSHE, we will be understanding feelings and learning to develop our growth mindset. Later in the term, we will begin to discuss money and our needs and wants.