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Hawthorn Class Learning


The children will be reading and studying  the following texts:

George's Marvellous Medicine

Hubert Horation

Using this text as a focus the children will be writing a set of instructions, character descriptions, fact files, a letter and poetry.

English Stock Illustration - Download Image Now - English Language,  Learning, Book - iStock

In English lessons, the children will develop an understanding of a variety of grammatical features :

Grammar Refresh

Noun phrases


Commas in a list

Headings / Sub-headings

Fronted adverbials


Expanded noun sentences



Inverted commas

Short sentences






Place Value 

Representing numbers to 1,000

Representing numbers to 10,000

Estimating numbers      

Finding 1, 10, 100 more or less                

Ordering numbers to 10,000

Roman Numerals



Addition and Subtraction

Adding two 4-digit numbers

Exchanging in addition & subtraction

Estimating answers

Checking strategies



Counting squares

Making shapes

Comparing areas


 Multiplication & Division

Times table 2-12

Multiplication & division facts

Multiplying three numbers





This term the children will learn all about light, reflections and shadows. The class will learn about different sources of light, and that we need light to see. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate reflective materials. They will work in a hands on way to find out more about reflective surfaces. Furthermore, they will learn that the sun’s light can be dangerous, and will have chance to test which objects are opaque in an exciting investigation. They will develop their scientific enquiry skills, making observations, predictions and conclusions.

Foundation Subjects


We will be learning all about the Romans. We will be finding out why they invaded Britain and how Britain responded. We will find out all about Boudicca and the Celts. The children will learn about the Roman army and why they were so successful. We will look at a variety of Roman artefacts to help us develop our historical skills.


Why do people live near volcanoes?

Children will be able to name and describe the layers of the Earth and explain how and where mountains are formed. They will study why volcanoes and earthquakes happen and where they occur. They will learn about the negative and positive effects of living near a volcano. They will undertake field work activities to observe and record the location of rocks around the school grounds and discuss their findings.



Children will learn to draw using tone to create a 3D effect. They will explore proportion and tone when drawing. They will plan a composition for a mixed-media drawing and use shading techniques to create pattern and contrast. They will learn to work collaboratively to develop drawings into prints.



Computing systems and networks – how they work together to transfer data

Programming – coding on Scratch


Children will be learning to sing in time and in-tune along with music. They will also identify a motif (a repeated pattern in music) and create and perform their own. We will also look at different ways to notate music so the children can remember how to play them later on.

Design & Technology


We will be learning about seasonal foods, and how fruit and vegetables grow in different countries based on their climates. We will discover how eating seasonal fruit and vegetables positively affects the environment. We are also designing a tart recipe using seasonal ingredients.


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