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Safeguarding Notice

Newhey Community Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects the whole school community to share this commitment. For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

You must accept our Safeguarding Policy to continue to browse our website.


Attendance & Punctuality


The Governors and teachers of Newhey Community Primary School recognise the importance of attendance and attendance related issues in the overall operation of the School.  A Policy has been drawn up by the Headteacher of the School, in conjunction with the Education Welfare Service.

In order to allow children to gain the maximum benefit from their time in school, parents are asked to ensure that they attend school regularly.  If children do not attend school regularly, their education will be seriously affected in spite of the efforts of their teachers.  When a child has to have unavoidable time off school such as to keep a medical appointment, his/her parents should contact the school either by telephone or letter.  There is a standard letter if the school has not received a reason for a child’s absence and if this is not returned to school, the absence will be deemed unauthorised.

The Education Welfare Officer will be contacted regarding children who do not attend regularly.

Term Time Holidays

Family Holidays/Other Absences

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