Breakfast & After School Clubs
The school operates a Breakfast Club in the school hall from 7.30 until 8.45am.
The Club has to be self financing and the daily charge is £4.50. Payments are made via School Gateway, the school's online payment system.
This charge is to cover the cost of the three trained supervisors, the breakfast facilities and the activities provided for the children.
More information about the Breakfast Club can be obtained from the School Office.
Parents wishing to access the Breakfast Club will need to complete the Breakfast Club Agreement via the following link
After School Club
The school operates an After School Club in the school hall from 3.15 until 5.00pm and the daily charge for this is £4.00 up to 4.15pm and £5.50 if children stay longer. Payments are made via School Gateway, the school's online payment system. The After School Club has to be self financing and the charges cover the cost of trained teaching assistants and resource costs.
Light refreshments are offered to pupils attending the After School Club.
PLEASE NOTE: Parents/carers will incur a charge if children are collected later than 5.00pm. A charge of £5 per child for each 15 minutes after 5.00pm will be added to cover staffing costs when children are collected after 5.00pm.
Parents wishing to access the After School Club will need to complete the After School Club Agreement via the following link
Charges for the Breakfast Club and After School Club are reviewed at the start of the financial year in April and parents will be informed of any changes.