Parent Workshops
Reading for pleasure and ERIC Time
Reading for pleasure (please see policy)
A growing number of studies show that promoting reading can have a major impact on children and adults and their future. Please encourage your child to read at home and when possible please read to your children.
See Top Ten Tips for Reading at Home with children.
Each class in KS2 will have ERIC (Everybody Reads In Class) time. This will be for around 10/15 minutes per day and is a chance for everybody, including teachers and teaching assistants, to read a book that they enjoy.
In addition to the obvious benefit of having a timetabled slot in the day to just read, it also has the added advantage, for the children, of seeing their role models reading. It’s also a great time to discuss great books and authors.
English Planning
The English curriculum is a bespoke design to our setting which allows every child to believe in their own potential as a writer.
Lessons are structured around a quality text to encourage a love of reading and to extend vocabulary knowledge and use. Based on National Curriculum guidelines, children are guided to write as a writer and produce work in many different genres drawing on their knowledge of sentence structures and grammatical features best suited to their writing.
To ensure consistency throughout the school, year groups will be following the same plans as follow:
KS1 will use planning from 1/2
LKS2 will use planning from 3/4
UKS2 will use planning from 5/6
The long term plans are available on our CLASS PAGES. Please note, teachers will be using these to aid their own planning and lessons may differ from class to class.