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Communication & Language

This term in Nursery we are thinking about The deep blue sea. The children will be listening to stories that involve different kinds of sea creatures.

Physical Development

This term the children will be; doing athletics in preparation for sports day. They will be practising their balancing skills and learning different ways to travel. They will be developing their fine motor skills through carefully planned activities such as, ' threading, cutting and mark making with various media. The children will also be rehearsing their gross motor skills on bikes, scooters and balancing equipment.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

We will be continuing to understanding that we all have the right to be listened to and to respect the ideas and opinions of others. The children will also be learning about understanding right and wrong and being honest. The children will be beginning to understand how these skills will be modelled but they will also taught through 'Dinosaur School'. Dinosaur School is a program that teaches the children about feelings and rules through puppets. The children will also be accessing the program ‘Think Equal.’ The program which celebrates diversity and differences and encourages children to see each other as equals through stories and activities.

Expressive Arts & Design

We will exploring the role play area, engaging with small world play, moving to music and mark making with a range of different media and finally, we will be making under the sea crafts.


In Literacy the children will be listening to stories relating to under the sea including ‘Commotion in the Ocean and Barry the fish with Fingers.’


In maths the children will be learning through songs, games and hands-on-activities. The children will be solving mathematical problems involving partitioning and using the vocabulary more/ less. They will be practising counting skills to 10 and beyond (for some children). They will be recognising patterns, creation patterns, sorting and grouping objects and learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will be using the language of direction.

Understanding the World

This term the children will be thinking about sorting land animals from sea creatures, looking at globes and maps and recognising sea/ land. They will be understanding the life-cycle of a turtle.

Birch Class Learning

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