Hawthorn Class Learning
The children will be reading and studying the following texts:
Please Mrs Butler
Pride: The Story of Harvey Malik
Wolves in the Wall
Using these texts as a focus the children will be writing a set of instructions, a newspaper article, non-chronological report, an alernative ending and studying some poetry.
In English lessons, the children will develop an understanding of a variety of grammatical features using the following Alan Peat Sentence types :
3-ed sentences
Verb. Person sentences
Apostrophes for plural possession
Inverted commas
Nouns and pronouns
Present perfect verb forms
Standard English Forms
Fronted adverbials
Some; others
Then & now
Last word, first word
Inverted commas
Adjective, same adjective
2 adjective pair sentences
Emotion word, comma sentences
Add fractions
Subtract fractions
Partition the whole
Find unit fractions of a set of objects
Find non - unit fractions of a set of objects
Solve reasoning problems
Pounds and pence
Convert pounds and pence
Add money
Subtract money
Find change
Roman numerals to 12
Tell time to 5 minutes
Tell time to the minute
Read time on a digital clock
Use am and pm
Days, months, years
Days and hours
Hours and minutes - use start and end times
Hours and minutes - use durations
Minutes and seconds
Units of time
Solve problems with time
Turns and angles
Right angles
Compare angles
Measure and draw accurately
Horizontal and vertical
Parallel and Perpendicular
Recognise and describe 2-D shapes
Draw polygons
Recognise and describe 3-D shapes
Make 3-D shapes
Interpret pictograms
Draw pictograms
Interpet bar charts
Draw bar charts
Collect and present data
Two way tables
This term the children will learn all about plants. They will learn the names of different parts of plants, and the jobs they do. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate what plants need to grow well, and will present their findings to their classmates. Furthermore, they will have chance to predict what will happen in an exciting investigation into the transportation of water within plants. They will work in a hands-on way to identify the parts of a flower, and will explore the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant.
Foundation Subjects
Local Study - The Rochdale Pioneers
Children will find the answer to the questions ‘Who were the Rochdale Pioneers and what impact did the co-operative movement have on the town of Rochdale ?’ We will research members of the pioneers, how and why the co-operative movement started as well as looking at a variety of historical sources at The Pioneer's Museum in Rochdale.
What are rivers and how are they used?
Children will identify water stores and processes in the water cycle. Describe the three courses of a river. Name the physical features of a river. Name some major rivers and their location. Describe different ways a river is used. List some of the problems around rivers. Describe human and physical features around a river. Identify the location of a river on an OS map. Make a judgement on the environmental quality in a river environment. Make suggestions on how a river environment could be improved.
Formal elements of art
Developing skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; making a variety of puppets using different materials, completing a drawing from observation, learning the difference between a tint and a shade and creating versions of a cartoon drawn by a famous illustrator.
Creating media and data handling
Developing filming and editing video skills. Understand what a database is. Learning the meanings of records, fields and data.
Jazz, ragtime, Dixieland, scat
Explain what ragtime music is. Play on the ‘off beat’ and sing a syncopated rhythm. Play a call and then improvise a response. Improvise or compose a scat singing performance with sounds and words. Compose and play a jazz motif fluently, using swung quavers. Play a swung rhythm using a tuned percussion instrument.
Design & Technology
Draw and label a simple castle. Recognise that a castle is made up of multiple 3D shapes. Design a castle with key features. Score or cut along lines on the net of a 2D shape. Use glue to assemble geometric shapes. Utilise skills to build a complex structure. Evaluate their work by answering simple questions.