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Willow Class Learning




Year 1

We will start the term focusing on number and place value to 20. This will involve reading a writing numbers to 20 in numerals and words as well as counting accurately and representing these numbers in different ways. Our learning will involve lots of practical activities and opportunities to develop children's problem solving skills. 

We will move on to explore addition and subtraction. We will be using concrete resources (counters, cubes, conkers, tens frames) to practically add and subtract amounts. Later in the term, our maths learning will focus on shape. We will name and identify the properties of common 2D and 3D shapes.

During all lessons we will focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning to allow children to utilise their skills in various ways.

Year 2

We will start the term focusing on number and place value to 100. This will involve reading a writing numbers in numerals and words as well as counting accurately and representing these numbers in different ways. Our learning will involve lots of practical activities and opportunities to develop children's problem solving skills. 

We will move on to explore addition and subtraction. We will be using tens and ones to practically add and subtract amounts. Later in the term, our maths learning will focus on shape. We will name and identify the properties of common 2D/3D shapes and identify lines of symmetry.

During all lessons we will focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning to allow children to utilise their skills in various ways.


place value


In Science, we will be learning about the body. We will identify the parts of our body used for our 5 senses and how our sense help us in everyday life.  Later in the term we will focus on everyday materials. We will learn about the properties of different materials and their uses.

Over the course of the term, we will also be learning about the seasons and making the most of practical opportunities to observe the changing seasons in our school environment.



In English, we will be starting the term by focusing on Julia Donaldson's 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. We will be using our phonics knowledge and spelling rules to write descriptive sentences about the characters in the story. We will be improving our vocabulary by exploring the meaning of words and learning about using expanding noun phrases in our writing. We will end the topic by writing a recount of the story to showcase our writing skills.

Year 1 children will access Little Wandle phonics sessions every day and will participate in 3 adult led guided reading sessions each week. 

Year 2 children will  access Little Wandle spelling sessions every day and will participate in 3 VIPER sessions each week. 

We welcome parents and carers into school for 'Come read with me' sessions every Monday at 8.45-9am.


Foundation Subjects


Our Geography topic for the Autumn term is 'Where am I?' We will be locating where we live and recognising the features of a map.

In History, we will be learning about famous monarchs.  We will describe monarchs and learn why coronations take place.

Our Design Technology topic is based on structures.  We will be designing and constructing a windmill fit for a mouse. We will decorate and evaluate our work, considering what went well, what was tricky and what we could improve next time.

Our Art and Design lessons will develop our skills in this subject including printing, sketching, collage skills and colour mixing. We will explore abstract art and consider how artists use colour to tell stories in their work. 

In our RE lessons we will be learning about sacred texts and special festivals.

In Music, we will be focusing on call and response games and songs.

In PSHE, Year 1 will be discussing family and friendships. We will talk about our emotions and recognising the emotions of others. We will learn how to stay safe around Bonfire night. We will discuss the difference between secrets and surprises and think about what sort of contact is appropriate. Year 2 will be exploring how to make friends and solve friendship problems. We will be talking about safe relationships and recognising hurtful behaviour. Additionally, we will be discussing our similarities and differences, and how to work co-operatively.

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